STOP GLOBAL WARMING: 12/12/10 - 12/19/10

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Global warming and oxygen by JustinCooper

Throughout its long history, Earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to
subtle shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or surface changed, or when the Sun's energy varied. But in the past century, another force has started to
influence Earth's climate: humanity.Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth's average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels.
Find more information about the climate change, melting glaciers and rising global temperatures due to the environmental pollutions and industrial effluents. Know more about the recent measures taken by governments to address the global warming issue and steps taken to save our planet.
It's becoming increasingly clear that global warming may trigger many changes beyond the obvious change in temperature. Earlier this year I wrote about how rising carbon dioxide is driving down the pH of the oceans, with some potentially devastating consequences. Today in Yale Environment
360 I look at a potential change that's also starting to get scientists very worried: a drop in the oxygen dissolved in the world's oceans.
Global Warming is a dramatically urgent and serious problem. We don't need to wait for governments to find a solution for this problem: each individual can bring an important help adopting a more responsible lifestyle: starting from little, everyday things.Here is a list of simple things that everyone can do in order to fight against and reduce the Global Warming phenomenon: some of these ideas are at no cost, some other require a little effort or investment but can help you save a lot of money
1)Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl).
2)Install a programmable thermostat.
3) Move your thermostat down 2° in winter and up 2° in summer.
4) Clean or replace filters on your furnace and air conditioner.

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What Global Warming Costs by fishing organizations

Global warming can prove to be a costly occurrence. For many reasons, financial considerations have already been impacted. For anyone who looks to the wallet for an indicator of disaster, trouble can be seen in global warming.
The deadly and destructive storms that are now being seen have caused tremendous financial losses. Hurricane Katrina cost roughly 81 billion dollars in damage, and the actual rebuilding has barely even begun. Storms like Katrina have most likely been boosted to their extreme levels of force by warm ocean waters. These are caused by global warming.
Agriculture can be spoiled by global warming. Crops die during droughts brought on by global warming. Storms intensified by global warming can damage agricultural buildings and injure animals. Floods resulting from these storms can drown out crops before they can be harvested.
This all translates into lost revenues for both farmers and investors. It also means higher prices for consumers of agricultural products. Consumers already know what it is like to pay exorbitant prices for foods that have been damaged while in the fields. If global warming continues on its present course, this will be a common occurrence.
Gasoline prices have an effect on the economics of communities. When gas prices are high, people will patronize business establishments that are close to their homes. This hurts the chances of success for a business that is not in a heavily populated area. Global warming is directly affecting the economics of businesses in this way.
The family economics of global warming are undeniable, too. As the climate changes, more energy is needed to cool houses. Those extra degrees of heat in the atmosphere mean that families will have to set their thermostats higher, or pay a higher price.
Sometimes it is the poorer families that pay for global warming the most. For example, new cars are outfitted with a new kind of air conditioning system that uses environmentally friendly Freon. A poorer family might have an older car that does not have this type of system.
However, if their air conditioner needs Freon, they might have to pay several hundred dollars to have the new system put in to use the new Freon. This will help the cause of preventing global warming. At the same time, the family will be paying for the mistakes of the past.
In many regions, everyone pays for the energy mistakes of earlier times. Coal burning power plants are now being refitted to reduce emissions. This will have a big impact on preventing global warming. Yet, the economics of it show that people at the present time have to pay with higher utility bills to make this advantage come true.
There are thousands of ways that global warming is affecting the world's economy at this moment. People are paying for the harm global warming is doing. They are also paying for adjustments to their homes, cars, and city infrastructures to reduce global warming. With time, changes will be completed. If everyone helps, these costs should go down. 

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Go join some fishing organizations.

Global warming and oxygen by JustinCooper

Throughout its long history, Earth has warmed and cooled time and again. Climate has changed when the planet received more or less sunlight due to
subtle shifts in its orbit, as the atmosphere or surface changed, or when the Sun's energy varied. But in the past century, another force has started to
influence Earth's climate: humanity.Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth's average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels.
Find more information about the climate change, melting glaciers and rising global temperatures due to the environmental pollutions and industrial effluents. Know more about the recent measures taken by governments to address the global warming issue and steps taken to save our planet.
It's becoming increasingly clear that global warming may trigger many changes beyond the obvious change in temperature. Earlier this year I wrote about how rising carbon dioxide is driving down the pH of the oceans, with some potentially devastating consequences. Today in Yale Environment
360 I look at a potential change that's also starting to get scientists very worried: a drop in the oxygen dissolved in the world's oceans.
Global Warming is a dramatically urgent and serious problem. We don't need to wait for governments to find a solution for this problem: each individual can bring an important help adopting a more responsible lifestyle: starting from little, everyday things.Here is a list of simple things that everyone can do in order to fight against and reduce the Global Warming phenomenon: some of these ideas are at no cost, some other require a little effort or investment but can help you save a lot of money
1)Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl).
2)Install a programmable thermostat.
3) Move your thermostat down 2° in winter and up 2° in summer.
4) Clean or replace filters on your furnace and air conditioner.

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Americans Wiling To Take Actions to Address Global Warming Issue by Correy Putton

In a recent survey conducted by the International Communications Research, it was found out that majority consisting of 70 percent of the respondents to be exact are concerned about the threats of global warming. Eighty percent of the one thousand respondents also pointed out that the government needs to make steps in combating the issue.
While the vast majority believes that the government has the responsibility to address the situation, a large number of respondents said that they are wiling to take actions too. They said that they are keen to take steps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
It is a widely known fact among the respondents that the main cause of the growing problem is the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.
More than one third of the respondents said that they are willing to use a motor scooter instead of a car for a portion of their traveling. Motor scooters are more fuel efficient than cars due to the fact that they have considerably smaller engine and lighter frame. With the use of scoters, people can go from one place to another without burning the same amount of fuel that they would have had if they used a car.
The survey is also focused on the reaction of the motoring public to the use of motor scooters for their transportation. After all, Piaggio Group is a maker of motorcycles and scoters. Among the Italian company's brand are Aprilia and Moto Guzzi motorcycles.
Paolo Timoni, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Piaggio Group Americas, have this to say about the result of the study: "It's clear that Americans feel the urgency to act now to address the global climate issue facing our world today. As we continue discussions with people about these issues, we're seeing that more and more are now willing to adapt their transportation behaviors in ways which can immediately benefit the environment - even as scientists, governments and other parties explore other longer term solutions. By shifting just a portion of their mileage to more fuel efficient motor scooters, people can do their part toward reducing negative impacts on their surroundings while saving money and time from their own daily commutes."
It is indeed proven that switching to scooters will significantly decrease the amount of fossil consumed in the United States. If one should compare the survey results to current national fuel consumption and emission figures, it can be seen that the use of scooters is a good way to reduce emission and fuel consumption. If Americans will use a scooter for just ten percent of their mileage, national fuel consumption can be cut down by as much as 14 million gallons per day and a decrease in the amount of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by as much as 324 million pounds every day. That shows that even if scooters are not equipped with Hypertechparts, they can still significantly reduce the amount of fuel consumed by Americans.


There is growing issue in this world today and it is not going to go away unless we do something now. I am talking about global warming, and the future of our planet is at stake. We must begin to phase out older methods of energy like coal and oil and move forward into a new clean energy source. There are so many issues here to discuss that I could go on forever, but I'll talk about a few of them to give you an idea of what I mean.
From the gulf oil spill disaster to the constant threat of toxic coal ash all across our country, this problem is continuing to grow and the EPA seems to do little about it. The recent oil spill in the gulf has caused damage that will be felt for many years to come. This is one of the biggest disasters in history; the effects are evident, our oceans, marine life, beaches, plant life, and air all suffered from this disaster. When are we going to wake up and realize what our pursuit of oil as a major energy source is doing to our planet? It is time to pursue new cleaner sources of energy. Along with oil our use of coal for energy is causing many issues for concern as well. Each year coal fired use of energy creates 140 million tons of coal ash in our country. The problem is that there are no federal standards in place to regulate the disposal of the coal ash. This toxic ash contains many deadly toxic elements that are dangerous to our heath. There are 137 sites in 34 states throughout the United States where coal ash affects our water supply and public health. The EPA has held eight hearings on this problem with the last one being in Knoxville Tennessee where the people there really made their voices heard loudly.
We need to speak out about these on growing issues much like they did in Knoxville. This is a moral issue that affects our planet along with every living creature that walks. Our government has a moral obligation to protect all living things from physical, mental, and psychological harm. It is just morally wrong to continue the methods in which we provide fuel and energy to our planet, it's slowly killing everything we have worked so hard to build and preserve. Our local communities are suffering everyday, look at the communities surrounding the gulf oil spill, many of the businesses have had to shut down and their way of life has been taken away from them. Look at the communities surrounding the coal ash problems, their health, water supply, and natural well being is at risk everyday. So yes, I do think this is a big moral issue that must be addressed now. This problem is not going to go away, it's going to take all of us, the people, government, everyone must really get serious and recognize the problem for what it is, and start doing something to save our planet starting today. So let's do our part to help this situation, I have already started. I found a way to turn water into fuel, you must join me in this fight against global warming. Learn how to turn water into fuel for your car as seen on fox news, revolutionary breakthrough, save thousands on fuel cost!! Make heating fuel and much more!! Go inside get your free report, please, now, for the economy, for the earth, for the world!!! Go to this website and read all about it, and please help: 

Global Warming - Help To Stop Global and Save Your Life! by Paul Petersen

Regardless of how you feel about gas prices, virtually everyone should concerned with the environment. We all live together on this earth, and if the planet becomes destroyed, it won't matter if you are rich or poor, black or white, old or young; We will all suffer together. Over the next 40 years, it's predicted millions of people will needlessly die due to global warming based conditions like skin cancer, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases.
You need to be aware of your own personal carbon footprint, which refers to the impact you have on the environment - both positive and negative - and make choices that are good for the earth instead of detrimental. For example, if you plant a tree a day, you'll offset about 720 kg of carbon over the tree's life. But if you take a plane from San Francisco to Los Angeles, you'll put almost 800 kg of carbon back into the environment, which definitely isn't good.
On average, each American citizen is responsible for almost 22 tons of carbon dioxide per year, far in excess of the world's average of just 6 tons per person. And while I'm not suggesting you bicycle to your next business trip, there are a number of ways you can dramatically cut your carbon footprint:
Tip #1: Go local. Virtually everything we buy has a "carbon cost" connected to is based on things like transportation distance and the amount of energy that goes into manufacturing. Try to buy locally made products and produce. According to a 2001 U.S. Department of Agriculture study, most fruits and vegetables are shipped 1500 miles or more from farm to kitchen, which is incredible wasteful, and more than a little ironic if you are trying to do the right thing by buying organic .
Tip #2: Dress appropriately. Adjusting the thermostat down 2 degrees down when it's cold and 2 degrees up when it's warm will help the average family eliminate 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, not to mention save a bunch of money. Wear a sweater or take off your shirt if you are uncomfortable. Remember, it's the planet we are talking about here.
Tip #3: Replace old technology. If every home in America replaced just 3 light bulbs with energy-efficient CFLs, they would save $60 a year and collectively as a planet we would keep a trillion pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Upgrade appliances and computers to those that are Energy Star rated, and turn off the lights when you leave a room.
Tip #4: Keep it clean. A poorly maintained car can add to global warming 500% more than a normal vehicle, and it costs money too. Keep air and fuel filters clean, replace fouled spark plugs and injectors, and get regular tune ups. And shop locally when you do drive, not at a discount store 50 miles away.
Tip #5: Improve your mileage. Drive a hybrid car or install an alternative energy booster like water fuel or HHO gas technology in your existing car. You will see mileage increases of up to 40%, and cut your carbon footprint in half.
Everybody on the planet has a personal responsibility to stop the destruction that will, if left unchecked, effect us all. If we begin now, it'll be a much better world for our children and grandchildren.
Gas Prices are insane! Discover how to Improve Gas Mileage and Slow Global Warming from Automotive writer Paul Petersen.

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These water injection systems increased gas mileage and improved engines performance under battle conditions. But just recently, a completely new technology has emerged that actually combines water molecules with gasoline, creating HHO gas fuel.

Global warming effect on the Sea by Sara Goudarzi

Warming oceans, one of the major consequences of global climate change, are making another marine species feel like a fish out of water, scientists report.
Biologists have known for years that global climate change, is linked to declining fish stocks, but a new study of eelpouts--big-headed fish that resemble eels--is the first to go deeper and see how warmer seas are linked to how fishes take in oxygen.
Scientists at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Germany studied the relationship between sea temperature and eelpouts counts in the Southern North Sea, combining data from the field with lab investigations of eelpout physiology.
The researchers not only found that the oxygen levels in the waters of the North and Baltic seas have dropped due to increasing temperatures over the past 50 years, a factor that reduces fish populations. They also found that eelpouts need more oxygen in warmer waters, a second factor that is reducing their numbers.
Difficulty in taking up oxygen via respiration and blood circulation, caused by the warming waters, proved to be the key factor in diminishing the size of the fish stock.
The study, published in the Jan. 5 issue of the journal Science, also noted that the population of eelpouts dropped as average summer temperatures increased. The impact was also observed in the short term such that eelpout numbers decreased the year immediately after a warm summer. (global climate change )
Animals tolerate a limited range of environmental conditions. Anything out of their tolerance window can cause damage. Fish in the North Sea have evolved to tolerate a wider range of temperatures than fish elsewhere due to the large seasonal fluctuations there. However, warming waters and their impact on oxygen supply can stress fish to the point that their thermal tolerance range is thrown off and they perish, the scientists said.
In the future, eelpouts could prove to be important bioindicators that would help experts assess what might happen to other marine species in the region, the scientists said.
Worldwide, warming waters can be expected to strain species that require lots of oxygen, forcing them to either relocate to cooler waters or face.
BY: Sara Goudarzi

The Effects Of Global Warming by Delano Dorasamy


Since the late 1800's, the global average temperature has increased. Climatologists (scientists who study climate) have analyzed the global warming that has occurred since the late 1800's. Human activities contribute to global warming by enhancing Earth's natural greenhouse effect. The main human activities that contribute to global warming are the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and the clearing of land. They say that natural processes could have caused global warming. global warming could have many damaging effects. Through global warming, the surface waters of the oceans could become warmer, increasing the stress on ocean ecosystems, such as coral reefs. Global warming might, over centuries, melt large amounts of ice from a vast sheet that covers most of West Antarctica. Climatologists are studying ways to limit global warming. Scientists use information from several sources to analyze global warming that occurred before people began to use thermometers. In 2001, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group sponsored by the United Nations (UN), published results of climate simulations in a report on global warming. The simulations showed that there can be no "quick fix" to the problem of global warming.

Health care executives have limited cognizance of global warming and even less of peak oil. The entire health care industry will be forced to accommodate to dwindling fossil resources while simultaneously beginning to face the consequences of global warming. The dimensions of what we face are uncertain, but the major question undeniably is how will hospitals change given the ecological (global warming as well as multiple sources of pollution and resource scarcity) and geological (twilight of fossil fuels) state of affairs the world now faces. Former Vice-president and global warming activist Al Gore has so far refused to debate global warming skeptics, the debate has been brought to him. The "Hot Air: The inconvenient truth" documentary has certainly acted as an eye opener to most prolific leaders all over the world.

As important as it is to know that global warming is, it is also important to know the dangers that surround it. Perhaps, the most horrific danger that may result from global warming is the panic that will likely set in. We must explain the dangers of global warming and peak oil to medicine. Importantly, global warming is viewed as an opportunity to go green and demonstrate corporate social responsibility.

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My name is Delano Dorasamy. I'm am a South African National with a improving chemical business. CEO of Masspack Marketers.Our company does a range of cleaning material consumables,and have just released our brand new washing powder SKY WASHING POWDER.

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Global Warming by Technologies blog

Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it makes our planet a habitable place. But certain gases are causing the temperature of earth rising. It is the most serious environmental crisis that world is facing today. Carbon dioxide is identified as the main cause of global warming. The changes in climates occuring the world over are attributed to global warming.
Rising seas, heat waves, intense floods, cyclones all are results of man's intervention with nature which in turn resulted in global warming. People will have to flee environmental disasters and seek refuge in lands which are not theirs. It is evident that global warming is human induced. Most of the increase in globally averaged temperatures since twentieth century is very likely due to the increase in anthropogenic green house gas concentration. Some believe that global warming is caused by natural phenomenon like sun spots and the earth's orbit and its tilt. But natural causes and human activities are the causes which induces global warming.
Sun spot cycle is found to influence sun spots, the explosions on the sun's surface produces intense heat which when hit on the earth's surface can cause high temperature in earth's atmosphere. Any changes in the tilt of earth's orbit can cause the planet earth to move closer or move away from the sun. There are evidences showing plate tectonics cause poles to get separated from warm ocean currents thus affecting the global climate. Another major natural factor that affects global warming is the release of methane gas mainly from the marsh lands and arctic tundra.

More than 60% of global warming is caused by carbon dioxide, but other substances which cause global warming as well include methane, chloro fluro carbons and nitrous oxides, by human activities, the concentration of these gases increases. Smoke emitted by vehicles using fossil fuels ,factories belching out smoke, chloro fluro carbons used in refrigerators ,perfume sprays, coal-fired electrical power plants, cutting down trees, all these contribute to global warming.
The rise of industrial revolution has dramatically increased the amount of global warming causing green house gas concentration much faster than the earth could recycle or purify them. Deforestation aggravates the situation, as the trees are cut down conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen is taking place very slowly which causes increased amount of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. Burning of fossil fuels like gas, petrol and coal and the use of fire wood, also add to the carbon dioxide concentration. Nitrous oxide which is another green house gas is released during agricultural and various industrial processes.
Global warming will influence human lives negatively, death due to heat waves will occur, infectious disease like malaria will become common with the increasing temperature. Changes in climate not only affect our bodies but also harm our crops. The heat can damage our crops; the rising temperature may allow the growth of weeds and pests, and our crops to be infected with diseases.
This will result in poor yield and cause malnutrition world wide. The changes in climate are capable of altering our water cycles. Heavy downpours and flash floods will increase. High temperatures results in drying up of crop lands or parched land areas, which are not suitable for cultivation.
It is also assumed that the increasing temperature can cause the ice in the Polar Regions and in Himalayas to melt. Melting of the snow world wide will result in rise in sea-levels. Scientists believe that if the sea level increase at the present rate, all the cities near the sea shore from Boston to Bombay will be under water within next fifty years. Many of the islands in the world will be wiped out from the surface of the earth. Over the century the increase in temperature rise could be between2.5to4.5 degree Celsius.
To fight global warming many countries are conducting research to find out the exact causes and the various ways to reduce the global warming. The United Nations has drafted many proposals about the climate changes and about the possible actions for reducing green house gas emissions. Inter governmental panel on climate change has released a report in Paris on February 2007 highlighting the threats people all over the world are likely to face from global warming.
It is high time, for each and every person, to make a positive effort to reduce the impact of global warming on our mother earth. Importance should be given for re-using or recycling plastic containers or jars. As plastic is a major cause of pollution of land and water .Burning plastic waste produces more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases causing global warming.
Emissions from transporting vehicles can be considerably reduced if the employer can opt for work from home program for jobs. Automobile trips can be considerably reduced with car pool systems and by using bikes or cycles for short distance traveling. Doing the necessary shopping by using on-line shopping is another option for reducing the use of vehicles. As the bad effects of global warming are becoming more clear, people will hope fully co-operate to control the effect of global warming. Trying to reduce the emissions of green house gases and planting trees to keep the optimum oxygen levels all will help to fight global warming.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Global Warming- Effects on Earth by Livemint Expert

How seldom do we think that our activities are affecting our surroundings to a great extent? Though some of us might think about this for a minute or two, but there are very few who take out time which is required. Reports suggest that global warming needs our consideration as human being have also contributed a lot for causing this problem.
Driving on the city roads, our vehicles emit carbon monoxide. With millions of vehicles running on the roads, these emissions gets multiplied thereby degrading the environmental conditions. Additionally, we are contributing towards the cause of global warming by deforestation. Number of herbs and plants are cut due to their curative abilities and utilization in medication industry. This makes the area difficult for survival as the excess of carbon dioxide floating in the atmosphere makes it complication for human beings to breathe. And as we know that carbon dioxide is the gas that causes green house effect hence this reason can be postulated as a major reason behind global warming.
Besides this there is one more reason behind global warming: the use of corrosive chemicals that degrade the soil causing an inability to grow plants. The artificial chemicals that we use under several circumstances in order to increase the nutrient content of soil, can be really hazardous to nature and its activities.
Deforestation to settle human societies is also one of the major reasons for global warming which is again a consequence of increasing population. However there a many evidences that support global warming. So as to revert back the disastrous effects of global warming, govt. along with several agencies are taking steps to prevent this fact. The sooner we prevent all this, would be beneficial for us and our coming generations.

awareness of global warming

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century has been caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, which result from human activity such as the burning of fossil fuel and deforestation and the other. Global dimming, a result of increasing concentrations of atmospheric aerosols that block sunlight from reaching the surface, has partially countered the effects of warming induced by greenhouse gases.
Global warming will also cause a variety of implications to the universe on earth 'll also will give effect to all occupants of the earth. Event of global warming is ignored by the people will affect humans. Global warming is not only involve the disaster, but such effects would affect the economics, political, humanitarian and others. So as resident this planet together, let us preserve the planet and govern well
Remember that our planet as we are alive

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