STOP GLOBAL WARMING: 12/26/10 - 1/2/11

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Recent analysis shows overall thinning from Central Lake Artik.Didapati highest depletion rates are in the Eastern region Artik.Berdasarkan SCIEX data collected by the National Science Foundation (Office of Naval Research), and NASA is not just a thinning of ice in 90 ' only, but it is continuing until now with the rate of depletion of 4 inches (0.1 m) per year.

A lot of ice mass loss given the dramatic effects of global climate change. Snow and ice cool the earth by reflecting up to 80% of energy from the sun directly into space.
Based on research done by the UNEP (United Nation Environment Program), they claimed that the ice in the polar (Arctic) will be thinned up to 60% if the percentage of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere increases two times from now. It is expected to occur by the year 2050 if no action or steps taken by the parties responsible for the ongoing mengcegahnya.
In Alaska, Western Canada and Eastern Russia average winter temperatures rose by 4-7 ° F (3-4 ° C) in the last fifty years, and this number is expected to increase sehigga 7-13 ° F (4 - 7 ° C) before the next 100 years.
By the end of this century is expected that the Arctic sea ice will decrease by 50% by panas.Isipadu season on melting ice in Greenland could increase global sea levels as high as seven meter.Ais available in Alaska melting twice as fast in the past ten years . This causes an increase in global sea level of 9%.
On the Greenland ice sheet thinning Arctic sea close to a meter per year.



Antarctica is situated in the south of Australia at latitude 60 ° S. This region consists of 7 million cubic miles of ice square represents 90% of the ice on earth. Aisnya average thickness is 2164m with 4785m of the most dense.

Antarctica is an area the size of the United States and Mexico combined. It represents 70% of the world's fresh water. If the western part of the liquid, global sea level could rise as high as 15-20 feet. While sea levels will rise if the eastern 200 feet of liquid.

Withdrawal of Ice in Antarctica

Figure Antarctica

Through the observation by some scientists, found the block of ice clouds are formed from Larsen 'ice shelf' on the peninsula of Antarctica and the melting of ice occurred on a large scale in the northern part of 'ice shelf'. Based on reports by the British Antartic Survey (BAS), the temperature in the Antarctic Peninsula rose by 0.5 ° C per decade since 1947.

Evidence of ice thinning can be found in some lakes in Antarctica. These lakes are very sensitive and suitable as a guide short-term temperature changes. New Zealand scientists reported a water level of Lake Vanda in Wright Valley, an increase of 1 meter per year. This increase is related to the melting of ice into the lake through which the Onyx River has increased the volume more than doubled since the last decade. Other studies on six other lakes in Antarctica showed thinning of the ice on the surface to 40% over the last decade.

In addition, based on measurements made at sea between 1973 and 1988 showed a decrease in the projected area of sea ice in the winter up to 33 km. BAS scientists at Faraday Station, Galindez Island reported a 1m thick ice disappeared between 1973-1988.

In 1986, 11 000 km2 of the Larsen ice shelf, and 11 500 km2 of ice shelf broke Filcher and drifted into the Weddell Sea. At the same time about breaking Theraites 1000km2 iceberg. The total loss of ice is four times more than the accumulated snow per year.

In 1991, BAS has produced satellite images showing the rapid breakdown of the Wordie ice shelf, and they have suggested that high temperatures in the Antarctic Peninsula as a source. More than 1300 km2 Wordie ice shelf disappeared since 1966.

Pieces of ice along the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula are very sensitive to temperature changes even small changes occur. Other evidence indicates breakdown of ice sheets have been issued as early as 1992, through images taken within the past few years BAS reported a reduction in the snow piles Stonington Island, while the comparison of satellite images on the coast of Antarctica shows a very clear change in the volume of ice in the coastal area said.

In early 1993, BAS reflect an increase in the formation of lumps of ice, but said that there was evidence of inappropriate links with global warming. Added iceberg was confirmed later in 1993 from data collected by ship across the ocean south and also collected by the Norwegian Polar Research Institute. Although this study has questioned the accuracy. The institute suggests that this ice sheet breakdown occurs more rapidly than expected.

In February 1995, a giant-sized iceberg Luxembourg (2600km square and over 77km) split from the Antarctic Peninsula, continuing research reveals the ice that connects the mainland to the island of James Ross had lost the northern Larsen Ice-Shelf. According ABAS provides stronger evidence of iceberg split due to the increase suhu.Glaciologist, Dr David Vaughan said "There is no doubt That the climate on the Antarctic Peninsula has warmed significantly over the past few challenged. What we are seeing now are changes only just working through to glaciers and ice sheets.

World leaders signed the strategic plan of global warming effects

THE list of agendas and priorities of many world leaders in 2007, the issue of climate change and global warming are among the most important. Said Daniel Franklin, author of The World in 2007, an annual special issue of The Economist magazine famous. Issues that require new strategies and plans, not only in the energy and water resources, even in all dimensions of life are increasingly at risk and threatened.
In a press release in Paris on 2 February, the group working on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which comprises more than 600 authors from 40 countries announced the publication of the first volume of a special report for policy makers, entitled Climate Change 2007.

The first volume covers the basic science on the causes of climate change, evidence of climate change is detected, the scientific methods used to assess the diversity of the causes and predictions of future climate change.

Reports said the content of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide increased significantly due to various human activities since 1.750. Content was 30 times higher than the era before the Industrial Revolution, atmospheric records for 650,000 years.

The increase in carbon dioxide caused by fossil fuel use and land-use changes, especially the destruction of forests, while methane and nitrous oxide due to unsustainable farming methods.

According to the NASA report, melting of ice at the poles when it stood at nine percent per decade. The thickness of Arctic ice at the poles down 40 percent since the 1960s. The IPCC report also states that the incidence of category 4 and 5 hurricanes has doubled in the past 30 years. Meanwhile, the usual flood predicted to occur every 100 years would be more likely to occur between 10 and 20 years, including in areas not included in the list of flood risk.

The IPCC forecasts that global warming trend and the impact of this climate of uncertainty is expected to increase further. Over the last century, the earth's surface temperature increased 0.6 ° C. However, much scientific evidence shows that in this century, global temperature will rise 1.4 to 5.8 ° C. Temperature increase is expected to affect human life, including sea level rise of between nine and 88 centimeters (CM) which endanger coastal areas and small islands.

What to do in the situation now? In my opinion, we need to do three strategic steps as soon as possible.

First: Environmental education is more comprehensive. In this regard, I welcome the steps the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation hold a seminar on climate change in Kuala Lumpur, May. Such measures are necessary because there are many in this country do not understand the issue of climate change, including policy makers and professionals.

Perhaps that is why the issue of climate change is not directly into the premises and concerns in the formulation of national development strategies such as the Ninth Malaysia Plan (RMK-9) and the 2007 Budget.

For example, the RMK-9 reports the phrase 'climate change' is cornered in chapter 22 of article 19 of the 'initiatives' on page 485. That only explains about Malaysia's involvement in the IPCC. While the clean development mechanism or CDM, which is one of the methods of reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere described in the final of the energy sector, in chapter 19, article 46 on page 430.

Reading the official documents about the planning of development in recent years in fact intimidate me, because climate change is far cornered, just as the rider in front of hundreds of fourth!

However, I am grateful to the floods in Johor last month opened the eyes of many parties to be more aware that climate change is not rhetoric professor and environmentalist. The issue becomes one of the most important agenda of the moment, including among the leading corporate figures and leaders of developed countries.

Second: I propose a design for the main sectors that are directly related to climate change such as energy, transport, agriculture, industry and environmental conservation are reviewed from the perspective of a more proactive role to reduce carbon emissions.

In a sense, as developing countries, we can get for free costs through the CDM mechanism. I also think that:

- Linkages between sectors are not clearly related to energy and climate policy. On the one hand we provide biodiesel to Europe, but we did not try to use it extensively.

- Renewable energy sector (renewable energy) should be given more incentives to grow.

- Emission of carbon from the transport sector strategy should begin with more planned.

- All reports and policy development needs to be processed again by taking into account the effects of climate change.

- All ag

encies must have specific targets to address climate change issues.

Third: The implementation of large development projects approved should be examined more holistically, particularly involving changes in climate and weather cycles such as water supply, irrigation, drainage, forestry, fisheries, agriculture and tourism. The project is risky and may not achieve its goals if a new climate cycle is not taken into consideration.

For example, what is the use we menggondolkan forest to build a dam if the dam is finally unable to hold water for use during the dry season. That is why - in this column many times I mentioned the fact that many developed countries no longer build dams upstream, but instead of water reservoirs in the river or the estuary is through projects like the Marina Barrage in Singapore.

As a result, lower-cost, sure enough water, reduced pollution as all the responsibility to conserve water in the river and the effects of climate change can be reduced through forest conservation.

World leaders signed the strategic plan of global warming effects

DALAM senarai agenda dan keutamaan kebanyakan pemimpin dunia pada 2007, isu perubahan iklim dan peningkatan suhu bumi adalah antara yang terpenting. Demikian menurut Daniel Franklin, pengarang The World in 2007, terbitan khas tahunan majalah tersohor The Economist. Isu itu memerlukan strategi dan perancangan baru, bukan saja dalam sektor tenaga dan sumber air, bahkan dalam seluruh dimensi kehidupan yang semakin berisiko dan terancam.
Dalam kenyataan akhbar di Paris pada 2 Februari lalu, kumpulan kerja Panel Antara Kerajaan Mengenai Perubahan Iklim (IPCC) yang dianggotai lebih 600 penulis daripada 40 negara mengumumkan penerbitan jilid pertama laporan khusus untuk pembuat dasar, berjudul Climate Change 2007.

Jilid pertama itu merangkumi asas sains mengenai faktor penyebab perubahan iklim, bukti perubahan iklim yang dikesan, kaedah saintifik yang digunakan untuk menilai kepelbagaian faktor penyebab dan ramalan perubahan iklim masa depan.

Laporan itu menyebut kandungan gas rumah kaca terutama karbon dioksida, metana dan oksida nitrus meningkat dengan ketara disebabkan pelbagai aktiviti manusia sejak 1,750. Kandungan itu 30 kali lebih tinggi berbanding era sebelum Revolusi Industri, berdasarkan rekod atmosfera selama 650,000 tahun.

Peningkatan karbon dioksida disebabkan penggunaan bahan api fosil dan perubahan guna tanah khususnya pemusnahan hutan, sementara metana dan oksida nitrus berpunca daripada kaedah pertanian yang tidak lestari.

Menurut laporan NASA, pencairan ais di kutub ketika ini berada pada paras sembilan peratus, setiap dekad. Ketebalan ais di kutub Artik berkurangan 40 peratus sejak 1960-an. Laporan IPCC juga menyebut bahawa kejadian taufan Kategori 4 dan 5 meningkat sekali ganda dalam tempoh 30 tahun lalu. Sementara itu, banjir besar yang biasa diramalkan berlaku setiap 100 tahun akan menjadi lebih kerap berlaku antara 10 hingga 20 tahun, termasuk di kawasan yang tidak termasuk dalam senarai berisiko banjir.

Ramalan IPCC itu menunjukkan trend peningkatan suhu bumi dan kesan ketidaktentuan cuaca ini dijangka terus meningkat. Sepanjang abad lalu, suhu permukaan bumi meningkat 0.6°C. Namun, banyak bukti saintifik menunjukkan bahawa pada abad ini, suhu bumi akan meningkat 1.4 hingga 5.8°C. Peningkatan suhu ini dijangka memberi kesan kepada kehidupan manusia, termasuk kenaikan paras laut antara sembilan dan 88 sentimeter (CM) yang membahayakan kawasan pantai dan pulau kecil.

Apakah langkah yang perlu dilakukan dalam keadaan sekarang? Pada hemat saya, kita perlu melakukan tiga langkah strategik dengan segera.

Pertama: Pendidikan alam sekitar yang lebih komprehensif. Sehubungan itu, saya mengalu-alukan langkah Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi mengadakan seminar perubahan cuaca di Kuala Lumpur, Mei ini. Langkah itu memang perlu kerana masih ramai di negara ini belum memahami isu perubahan iklim, termasuk pembuat dasar dan profesional.

Barangkali itulah juga sebabnya isu perubahan iklim tidak langsung menjadi premis dan kebimbangan dalam penggubalan strategi pembangunan negara seperti Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9) dan Bajet 2007.

Sebagai contoh, dalam laporan RMK-9 frasa ‘perubahan iklim’ hanya tersudut dalam bab 22 pasal 19 mengenai ‘inisiatif lain’ pada halaman 485. Itupun hanya menjelaskan mengenai pembabitan Malaysia dalam IPCC. Sementara mekanisme pembangunan bersih atau CDM, iaitu satu daripada kaedah pengurangan pelepasan gas karbon ke atmosfera diungkapkan dalam para akhir sektor tenaga, dalam bab ke 19, pasal 46 pada halaman 430.

Membaca dokumen rasmi mengenai perancangan pembangunan sejak beberapa tahun lalu sebenarnya menakutkan saya, kerana isu perubahan iklim masih jauh tersudut, hanya sebagai catatan tambahan di muka ratusan keempat!

Namun, saya bersyukur kerana banjir di Johor bulan lalu membuka mata banyak pihak untuk lebih sedar bahawa isu perubahan iklim bukan retorik profesor dan pencinta alam sekitar. Isu itu menjadi satu daripada agenda terpenting ketika ini, termasuk di kalangan tokoh korporat ulung dan pemimpin negara maju.

Kedua: Saya mencadangkan agar perancangan sektor utama yang berkait langsung dengan perubahan iklim seperti tenaga, pengangkutan, pertanian, perindustrian dan pemuliharaan alam sekitar dikaji semula dari perspektif lebih proaktif untuk mengurangkan pelepasan gas karbon.

Dari satu segi, sebagai negara membangun, kita boleh mendapatkan biaya secara percuma menerusi mekanisme CDM. Saya juga berpendapat bahawa:

– Hubung kait yang tidak jelas antara sektor tenaga dan dasar berkaitan iklim. Di satu pihak kita membekalkan biodiesel ke Eropah, tetapi kita tidak berusaha menggunakannya secara meluas.

– Sektor tenaga boleh diperbaharui (renewable energy) perlu diberi lebih banyak insentif untuk berkembang.

– Pelepasan gas karbon dari sektor pengangkutan perlu dimulakan dengan strategi lebih terancang.

– Semua laporan dan dasar pembangunan perlu diolah semula dengan mengambil kira kesan perubahan iklim.

– Semua agensi perlu mempunyai sasaran khusus untuk menangani persoalan perubahan iklim.

Ketiga: Pelaksanaan projek besar pembangunan yang diluluskan perlu dikaji secara lebih holistik, khususnya membabitkan perubahan iklim dan kitaran cuaca seperti sumber air, pengairan, saliran, perhutanan, perikanan, pertanian dan pelancongan. Projek itu berisiko dan mungkin tidak mencapai sasarannya jika kitaran cuaca yang baru tidak diberi pertimbangan.

Sebagai contoh, apalah gunanya kita menggondolkan hutan untuk membina empangan jika akhirnya empangan itu tidak mampu menakung air untuk kegunaan pada musim kemarau. Itulah sebabnya – dalam ruangan ini berkali-kali saya sebutkan fakta bahawa banyak negara maju tidak lagi membina empangan di hulu, sebaliknya membuat takungan air di hilir sungai atau di muara seperti dilakukan menerusi projek Marina Barrage di Singapura.

Hasilnya, kos lebih murah, air sudah pasti mencukupi, pencemaran berkurangan kerana semua pihak bertanggungjawab untuk memulihara sumber air di hilir sungai dan kesan perubahan iklim dapat dikurangkan dengan pelestarian hutan.


Seluruh dimensi kehidupan makin berisiko dan terancam dengan perubahan iklim dan peningkatan suhu bumi.
Banjir besar yang biasa diramalkan berlaku setiap 100 tahun lebih kerap berlaku antara 10 hingga 20 tahun.
Pendidikan lebih komprehensif, perancangan sektor utama yang berkait langsung dengan perubahan iklim perlu diberi penekanan untuk memulihara alam sekitar.
Berlawanan dengan agenda kebanyakan pemimpin dunia yang menjadikan isu perubahan iklim antara yang terpenting, pembuat dasar dan profesional di negara ini tidak banyak kesedaran contohnya dalam laporan RMK-9 frasa ‘perubahan iklim’ hanya tersudut dalam bab 22 pasal 19 mengenai ‘inisiatif lain’ pada halaman 485.

North Pole is melting records in record history, even in winter

Recently, scientists have found ice at the north pole of the record levels recorded in the history of the thinnest. In fact, it occurs during the winter there, and even more surprising, when the winter cold is more than that recorded last year. However, the liquidity of ice was still higher than the rate freeze.

Prior to this, in the northern polar ice has melted at a high level in the summer to create a new inland route.

New water routes created by melting ice

According to Walt Meier of National Snow and Ice Data Center in Colorado, the total amount of ice at the North Pole has declined by 10% compared to that recorded in 2007. In fact, based on observations from NASA's 30 years ago also showed the trend of decreasing the amount of ice that is consistent. This once more proves that our planet to global warming.

However, Jay Zwally of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center believes if a longer winter occurs as expected this year, a new layer of ice that will emerge and reach a thickness that can weather the coming summer. 'Ice of the Sea requires 7-8 years to reach a thickness of up to 5 meters.

However, if the trend decline in the amount of ice is going on, he predicted the North Pole will be ice-free zone in the summer by the year 2013.

What will happen when there is no ice at the north pole?

Ice sheet is very useful to the Earth because it works with the sun reflecting of heat into space while maintaining the temperature of sea water below the ice surface. Without the ice, ocean water is exposed to heat and thus raise the temperature of sea water.

Purple line shows the ice coverage area 30 years ago. White area is the area of ice cover in 2008


Recently the newspapers diipaparkan iceberg image size of 500 meters long and 50 meters high floating in the ocean. Block of ice separated from the mainland. What really happened?

The main factor is global warming causing melting iceberg itu.Sekumpulan expert researchers explore the North Pole (Arctic) to do research is really worried by the phenomenon. The expedition, led by researchers Pen Hadow with his friends Martin Hartley and Ann Daniels predicted that most likely will not be covered the northern polar ice in tempon a decade. Even if the scenario 'iceberg floating' occurred, aia will certainly trigger a new phenomenon when the Arctic sea turned into a no-block arrangement of block ice. Thinning ice occurred rapidly.

This phenomenon is not new. It has been voiced by researchers many years ago when humans no longer ignore the screams and agony of this planet earth to begin to respond, especially when the global warming since the beginning of the 1940s. The issue of global climate change is a threat to life on earth. If not handled properly, then life on earth will be confronted with natural disasters are difficult to predict.

These symptoms have actually seen. Among them, record temperatures in the Arctic has reached up to four degrees Celsius above normal levels between October and December 2008. It never happened before. Summer ice cover in the Arctic this year is the third smallest according to reports over the years around 1979-2006 and is now shrinking Arctic sea about 11.2 per cent in each decade. The actual amount of ice cover has been progressively depleted in less than a year. In 2008 recorded a loss of Arctic ice in the percentage of the number nine, a sharp decline compared to 2007 (21%) are said to be the year when the most drastic melting Arctic. Imagine what remains when the surface ice in the Arctic lower from year to year. The old ice in the Arctic only a 19 per cent compared to the years between 1981 and 2000 in which its existence is still living as much as 52 percent before the ice thickness has declined to 0.68 meters between 2004 and 2008.
This is really worrying.

The Arctic Ocean is a key position in the earth's climate system, and whether consciously or not block-the block of ice melting is now also giving a negative response to the climate of the earth and its effect is much more than the Arctic alone. The minimum ice cover in the Arctic this year is just 4.13 million square kilometers compared to last year. These changes eventually will clearly affect the people who have traditionally lived in the Arctic.

Certainly crossed our minds and how the fate of the world's population if the ice in the Arctic and Antarctica melt and disappear from view. At that time, the world may have to bid farewell to the affected countries such as Bangladesh, northern Europe, part of Siberia, the Amazon, mainland China and includes some of the landmass in the southeastern United States. Scary!

So governments around the world must unite to establish a committee to formulate policies from 2013 on measures to address global climate change since the first phase, known as the Kyoto Protocol will expire in December 2012. World leaders need to get approval from all 191 countries on a new agreement which will be held at the Summit of the United Nations (UN) in Copanhagen, Denmark in December 2009. The new policy will create a joint venture around the world to work together to take any steps to address this issue. We and all mankind on this earth to play their role even though little pests to ensure the world does not continue to sink. We willing to?

global warming articles

Global warming or "global warming" has become the hottest issue in the newspapers, and often a topic of conversation antarabangsa.Pemanasan global community has been caused by several factors such as aktiiviti burning heat island, and the use of carbon monogsida and excessive carbon dioxide in the life our daily. What effects will happen if this is not checked? there are many effects that would arise if these things are not preventable.

Apparently, global warming is what is worrying us all. Due to past behavior and attitudes of developers hands of local people who burn rubbish in the forest, the gases are released into the air around and beyond the ozone layer. Did you know that carbon monoxide and menipisi to erode the ozone layer naturally. The ozone layer can be thinned up to 75 percent of the sunlight from penetrating the earth. If the erosion of the ozone layer, global warming will occur as a result widespread.

Without the filtered sunlight contains 30 percent of electromagnetic radiation that will kill the cells of human skin. If sunlight filtered by a layer without contact with the skin, tumor will form and will become cancer cells. This will cause the earth to many people who die of skin cancer. serious skin cancers and the cure is not found by scientists to this day.

Next, if global temperatures well above the 5.8 drjah Celsius, the ice in the north and south poles will start to melt it will bring negative impact on us all. As a result the average sea will rise to 95 percent, this means that many land areas that will ditengelami by water. Many of the world's population will die.

Global warming will initially cause the migraine headaches and excessive. Migraine is caused by overheating will occur and result in serious bleeding in the brain. Migraine is caused by the accumulation of contaminated blood in the brain and this will make the patient uncomfortable.

Heat island is also often associated with global warming. Heat island caused by asab-asab removed from car and factory fumes. This smoke contains carbon monoxide is high ground will deplete the ozone layer. Ole reason, meminimunkan we have emphasized the use of vehicles.

Kongklusinya, global warming is the phenomenon that haunted the international community. This is because of its impact on the world's population is very serious. therefore we as part of the inhabitants of this earth should take precautions kangkah before it becomes more serious. Do not let the rice has become porridge that we want to change. Do not want to have a new banging there is no point. Nay, while we still can do something about the world we want to bequeath to our children and grandchildren of this.

GLOBAL WARMING - 'No one can escape. "

Earth is experiencing "fever" due to global warming climate is also bringing with him a world increasingly torn kacir.Bagi most people, climate change and global warming affect the economy more than your health. However, the effects of global warming far more profound and will leave the impression to all the world's population does not matter where they are located.There may also be of us saw those killed by natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding and hot weather as an unfortunate but, what about those who survived? Are they free from the threat of health after surviving a drowning, freezing cold or die of dehydration (water shortage)? Believe it or not, global warming has killed more than one million people worldwide since 2000, either directly or indirectly.World Health Organization (WHO) to produce statistics that explains half of the deaths occurred in Asia Pacific, the most densely populated continent. In addition, the number has not increased with 800,000 other victims who were killed due to air pollution each year.Understanding global warmingGlobal warming caused by air pollution, which increases the amount of carbon gases (water vapor, karbod dioxide, carbon monoxide) are also known as greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere. The heat of the sun is normally to the surface to be reflected back into space, then caught and causing global temperature increases. As a result, the ice began to melt the poles and increasing sea levels to drown some small island and the mainland to erode the surface.In addition, the high temperature is also an effect on wind flow will lead to the formation of typhoons and monsoon rains that severely worse than usual. The best example the world victims of climate change can be seen in a heat wave in Europe that lead to hundreds or perhaps thousands of deaths since 2000. Waves 'hot' this has caused the temperature in summer and winter in Europe is much higher than usual. Similar changes were also felt in tropical regions are facing severe monsoon season now, while countries like the United States was hit by snow storms and more severe hurricanes such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Whereas in 2006, ten countries most severely affected by natural disasters were the Philippines, South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, India, China, Afghanistan, the United States and Romania.The effect of this problem will continue to be prolonged and will continue to deteriorate if neglected or failed to control. Consequently, the next generation who will bear the full impact of the greed of the present generation of polluting the environment just to the wealth and economic progress.Effects on healthAny form of extreme change would have the most adverse effects on infants, children and the elderly are often seen to be the first victims of the disaster.a. Rakyat Malaysia may be able to adapt to high temperatures and sweltering as familiar with the tropical climate. However, ordinary people who live in cold climates may not be able to adapt and now recorded an increase in deaths from heat stroke.Heat stroke will cause the failure of all organs of the body to function, just like what happened to the patient's fever.b.Begitu well as pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria that attack the widespread dissemination of the lung due to hot and humid weather and other factors.c.Sesetengah areas were faced with the problem of severe dehydration due to drought caused by heat waves and rising sea levels that contaminate fresh water with saline water from the sea.d.Peningkatan temperature will also promote the breeding of vectors (carriers of animal germs), such as rats, mosquitoes, ticks and pepijat.Penyebaran vectors such as mosquitoes causing diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever first recorded in Europe and temperate areas that previously this sejuk.Hal evident from the cool temperate countries such as Nepal and Bhutan the first recorded cases of malaria in the highland areas of the two countries.e.Sementara, the rats are also seen to grow more easily in hot and humid weather of this. These animals can spread the illness and Legionellosis Leptopirosis which are spread by germs that are left with the urine (urine) or rat droppings.f.Ketika floods, the level of cleanliness is difficult to care and clean water, especially the sign. Difficulty in obtaining clean drinking water be exposed to contaminated water hemp variety kuman.Hal health would be threatened if water is used segai contaminated drinking water, cooking, washing or cleaning diri.Bilangan diarrhea, bloody diarrhea ( dysentery) and various water-borne diseases seen a sharp increase during the season banjir.Situasi was further compounded by the increase in mosquito-borne cases due to mosquito breeding in stagnant pool of water left by the flood currents. Water reservoir is a strategic place for germs to grow rapidly as it gets adequate food supply of plants and decaying animal carcasses.g. This issue also gives a bad impression to those who like to exercise and play outside. This is because greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide present in the air more, especially in urban areas and areas with a lot of vehicles. When the gas is inhaled too much, during exercise or outdoor activities, causing a sudden fall of blood oxygen content and carbon monoxide gas that can affect many body and heart ..Measures to overcomeThe public is advised to drink lots of water to avoid heat stroke and dehydration while children and senior citizens need to find a shady place to carry out or break. In the face of climate change is increasingly uncertain world, the way the application should be appropriate to weather conditions to ensure that the body is not exposed to the weather is too hot or too cold for a long period. Given epidermiologi (distribution pattern) of specific diseases are also changing with the tide of global warming, the public should also be prepared to face more corpulent cases of common diseases such as dengue, malaria, diarrhea and certain diseases that have never encountered before.Besides cleanliness, the breeding vectors such as mosquitoes and rats should be controlled to prevent the spread of more diseases. Summit organized by the UN World Climate Change held in Bali, Indonesia from 3 to 14 December 2007 is expected to reach a consensus to save the earth and all creatures that inhabit it.Representatives from 190 countries have heard the argument many world renowned scientists who predict rising sea levels, droughts, floods and grab a devastating hurricane and now need to determine their direction for protecting the next generation.People also play an important role in pressing their leaders to be concerned with world peace and development not only concerned with themselves, without taking into account the pursuit of wealth due to the greed of the world. Responsibility for the environment should also be borne by all the world's population and should not be left to governments or organizations mata.Walaupun world, with only small contributions, such as not to make open burning and reduce the use of motor vehicles by as much as possible of the individual, to help control heating global.Despite the ambitions of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon emissions 25 to 40 percent by 2020 rather difficult to achieve, but efforts should be intensified to ensure the future of human existence. Love and love our planet and the well being and harmony of life of future generations.

GLOBAL WARMING - 'No one can escape. "

Earth is experiencing "fever" due to global warming climate is also bringing with him a world increasingly torn kacir.Bagi most people, climate change and global warming affect the economy more than your health. However, the effects of global warming far more profound and will leave the impression to all the world's population does not matter where they are located.There may also be of us saw those killed by natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding and hot weather as an unfortunate but, what about those who survived? Are they free from the threat of health after surviving a drowning, freezing cold or die of dehydration (water shortage)? Believe it or not, global warming has killed more than one million people worldwide since 2000, either directly or indirectly.World Health Organization (WHO) to produce statistics that explains half of the deaths occurred in Asia Pacific, the most densely populated continent. In addition, the number has not increased with 800,000 other victims who were killed due to air pollution each year.Understanding global warmingGlobal warming caused by air pollution, which increases the amount of carbon gases (water vapor, karbod dioxide, carbon monoxide) are also known as greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere. The heat of the sun is normally to the surface to be reflected back into space, then caught and causing global temperature increases. As a result, the ice began to melt the poles and increasing sea levels to drown some small island and the mainland to erode the surface.In addition, the high temperature is also an effect on wind flow will lead to the formation of typhoons and monsoon rains that severely worse than usual. The best example the world victims of climate change can be seen in a heat wave in Europe that lead to hundreds or perhaps thousands of deaths since 2000. Waves 'hot' this has caused the temperature in summer and winter in Europe is much higher than usual. Similar changes were also felt in tropical regions are facing severe monsoon season now, while countries like the United States was hit by snow storms and more severe hurricanes such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Whereas in 2006, ten countries most severely affected by natural disasters were the Philippines, South Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, India, China, Afghanistan, the United States and Romania.The effect of this problem will continue to be prolonged and will continue to deteriorate if neglected or failed to control. Consequently, the next generation who will bear the full impact of the greed of the present generation of polluting the environment just to the wealth and economic progress.Effects on healthAny form of extreme change would have the most adverse effects on infants, children and the elderly are often seen to be the first victims of the disaster.a. Rakyat Malaysia may be able to adapt to high temperatures and sweltering as familiar with the tropical climate. However, ordinary people who live in cold climates may not be able to adapt and now recorded an increase in deaths from heat stroke.Heat stroke will cause the failure of all organs of the body to function, just like what happened to the patient's fever.b.Begitu well as pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria that attack the widespread dissemination of the lung due to hot and humid weather and other factors.c.Sesetengah areas were faced with the problem of severe dehydration due to drought caused by heat waves and rising sea levels that contaminate fresh water with saline water from the sea.d.Peningkatan temperature will also promote the breeding of vectors (carriers of animal germs), such as rats, mosquitoes, ticks and pepijat.Penyebaran vectors such as mosquitoes causing diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever first recorded in Europe and temperate areas that previously this sejuk.Hal evident from the cool temperate countries such as Nepal and Bhutan the first recorded cases of malaria in the highland areas of the two countries.e.Sementara, the rats are also seen to grow more easily in hot and humid weather of this. These animals can spread the illness and Legionellosis Leptopirosis which are spread by germs that are left with the urine (urine) or rat droppings.f.Ketika floods, the level of cleanliness is difficult to care and clean water, especially the sign. Difficulty in obtaining clean drinking water be exposed to contaminated water hemp variety kuman.Hal health would be threatened if water is used segai contaminated drinking water, cooking, washing or cleaning diri.Bilangan diarrhea, bloody diarrhea ( dysentery) and various water-borne diseases seen a sharp increase during the season banjir.Situasi was further compounded by the increase in mosquito-borne cases due to mosquito breeding in stagnant pool of water left by the flood currents. Water reservoir is a strategic place for germs to grow rapidly as it gets adequate food supply of plants and decaying animal carcasses.g. This issue also gives a bad impression to those who like to exercise and play outside. This is because greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide present in the air more, especially in urban areas and areas with a lot of vehicles. When the gas is inhaled too much, during exercise or outdoor activities, causing a sudden fall of blood oxygen content and carbon monoxide gas that can affect many body and heart ..Measures to overcomeThe public is advised to drink lots of water to avoid heat stroke and dehydration while children and senior citizens need to find a shady place to carry out or break. In the face of climate change is increasingly uncertain world, the way the application should be appropriate to weather conditions to ensure that the body is not exposed to the weather is too hot or too cold for a long period. Given epidermiologi (distribution pattern) of specific diseases are also changing with the tide of global warming, the public should also be prepared to face more corpulent cases of common diseases such as dengue, malaria, diarrhea and certain diseases that have never encountered before.Besides cleanliness, the breeding vectors such as mosquitoes and rats should be controlled to prevent the spread of more diseases. Summit organized by the UN World Climate Change held in Bali, Indonesia from 3 to 14 December 2007 is expected to reach a consensus to save the earth and all creatures that inhabit it.Representatives from 190 countries have heard the argument many world renowned scientists who predict rising sea levels, droughts, floods and grab a devastating hurricane and now need to determine their direction for protecting the next generation.People also play an important role in pressing their leaders to be concerned with world peace and development not only concerned with themselves, without taking into account the pursuit of wealth due to the greed of the world. Responsibility for the environment should also be borne by all the world's population and should not be left to governments or organizations mata.Walaupun world, with only small contributions, such as not to make open burning and reduce the use of motor vehicles by as much as possible of the individual, to help control heating global.Despite the ambitions of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon emissions 25 to 40 percent by 2020 rather difficult to achieve, but efforts should be intensified to ensure the future of human existence. Love and love our planet and the well being and harmony of life of future generations.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cause of Global Warming On Earth

l fuels as energy sources, although in the calculation of energy use per person in developing countries, not as big as energy use per person in developed countries. According to Prof. Emil Salim, USA CO2/orang emit 20 tons per year with a population of 1.1 billion population, China emits 3 tons CO2/orang per year with a total 1.3 billion population, while India emits 1.2 tons CO2/orang with the number of 1 billion population.
Thus, the number of greenhouse gases discharged into the atmosphere from this sector related to lifestyle and population. USA is a country with a population that has a very extravagant lifestyle, the consumption of energy derived from fossil fuels, in contrast to a number of developing countries that emit greenhouse gases, because the accumulated number of population.
Rubbish. Trash produce methane (CH4). An estimated 1 ton of solid waste produces 50 kg of methane gas. Garbage is a major issue facing cities in Indonesia. According to the Ministry of Environment in 1995 the average person in urban areas in Indonesia generate waste of 0.8 kg / day and in 2000 continued to increase to 1 kg / day. On the other hand the population continues to increase, so, it is estimated, in 2020 the waste produced 500 million kg / day or 190 thousand tons / year. With this amount, the waste will emit methane gas amounted to 9500 tons / year. Thus, urban waste is a sector with huge potential, accelerate the process of global warming.
Damage to the forest. One of the functions of plants which absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), which is one of the greenhouse gases, and turn it into oxygen (O2). Currently in Indonesia are known to have occurred fairly severe damage to forests. The rate of forest destruction in Indonesia, according to data from Forest Watch Indonesia (2001), about 2.2 million / year. Forest damage caused by forest fires, land use changes, among others, changes in forests to plantations with a single crop on a large scale, such as oil palm plantations, as well as damages caused by the holders of forest concessions (HPH) and Forest Industrial Plant (HTI). With the damage as mentioned above, of course, carbon dioxide absorption process can not be optimal.This will speed up global warming.
According to data from the Rainbow Foundation, in 1990, emissions of CO2 released by the forestry sector, including changes in land use, reaching 64% of Indonesia's total CO2 emissions reached 748.61 kilotons. In 1994 there was an increase of carbon emissions to 74%.
Agriculture and animal husbandry. This sector contributed to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions through the flooded rice paddies that produce methane gas, fertilizer use and agricultural practices, burning of plant residues, and the decaying remnants of farming, and manure decomposition. From this sector generated greenhouse gases are methane (CH4) and dinitro oxide gas (N20). In Indonesia, agriculture and livestock sector accounted for greenhouse gas emissions by 8:05% of total greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.
Impact of Global WarmingAs a global phenomenon, the impact of global warming felt by all people in the world, including Indonesia. The position of Indonesia as an archipelagic country, Indonesia put in conditions that are vulnerable to global warming. As a result of global warming, Indonesia will face the events:First, the rise in global temperatures, causing the melting of ice in the polar north and south, resulting in the mass expansion of sea water, and rising sea levels. This will reduce the production of fish and shrimp ponds, as well as the occurrence of coral bleaching (coral bleaching), and extinction of various species of fish. In addition, rising sea levels will result in small islands and sloping areas in Indonesia will be lost.Another threat faced by society is deteriorating groundwater quality, as a result of the influx of sea water or spilling over, and urban infrastructure were damaged, as a result of inundation by sea water.
Second, the shift in seasons as a result of changes in rainfall patterns. Climate change resulting in a high-intensity rainfall in a short period and long dry season. In some places there was an increase of rainfall which increases the chances of flooding and landslides, while elsewhere a decline in rainfall that has the potential to cause drought. Most of the Watershed (DAS) will be different levels of ebb tide and an increasingly sharp. This resulted in the increased frequency of flooding or drought.This condition will get worse if the capacity of the river or reservoir is not maintained due to erosion.
Both these events will have an impact on some sectors, namely:
Forestry. The change of several species of flora and fauna. The temperature rise will be the selectors of nature, where species that can adapt will survive and, even likely to proliferate rapidly. While the species is not able to adapt, will suffer extinction. The existence of forest fires that occurred as a result of rising temperatures around the forest, causing grass and twigs are dry tinder. In addition, forest fires causing the extinction of biodiversity.
Fisheries. Increased sea temperatures cause coral bleaching, and subsequent demise of coral reefs, as a habitat for many species of fish. Seawater temperature rise also triggered the migration of fish that are sensitive to temperature changes on a large scale leading to a cooler area. Events dying coral reefs and fish migration, economically, to the detriment of fishermen due to lower catches them.
Agriculture. In general, all forms of agricultural systems sensitive to climate change.Climate change resulting in a shift in seasons and changes in rainfall patterns. This is an impact on agricultural patterns, for example delays planting or harvesting season, the failure of planting, or harvesting due to flooding, landslides and drought. So will a decline in food production in Indonesia. In short, climate change will affect national food security.
Health. The impact of global warming in this sector that is increasing the frequency of tropical diseases, eg diseases transmitted by mosquitoes (malaria and dengue fever), outbreaks of diarrhea, disease or leptospirasis rat urine and skin diseases.The increase in air temperature will cause the shorter the incubation period of mosquitoes so that the quicker the mosquitoes to breed. The floods that hit will cause contamination of water supplies, causing disease outbreaks of diarrhea and disease leptospirosis in the post flood. Meanwhile, the drought will result in clean water crisis, which impacted the emergence of diarrheal diseases and skin diseases. Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is also a threat due to forest fires.
In addition to the above effects, recorded some remarkable events that indicate global warming, namely:
Year 2005 was the warmest year. NASA reported that the average global temperature has increased by 0.060 C.Withdrawal of the largest Arctic occurred in 2005. The result of one satellite photo shows the permanent ice-covered area is the narrowest area in the late summer of 2005.Year 2005 was a year with the hottest water in the Caribbean, much longer than has ever occurred and caused bleaching of coral (coral bleaching) along the major areas ranging from Caribbean to the Florida Keys, United States.Year 2005 was recorded as the year with most storm names. There are 26 names storms that exceed the official roster. In this year also there are approximately 14 storm, called a bad storm (hurricane), because it has a wind speed exceeding 119 km / hour. Record the previous year only 12 storms a year. Year 2005 was also the year with the highest category 5 storm with winds of 249 km / hour. The year 2005 was the most expensive due to storm losses.Year 2005 was the driest year ever since a few decades ago in the Amazon, South America. And America West suffered a long drought.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Addressing Global Warming

At least 192 countries began negotiations in the UN Summit on Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, which lasted throughout the 7 to 18 December 2009. At the 15th meeting (COP) of the UN Climate Change Conference (UNCCC), they will negotiate to reach a new agreement to replace the Kyoto Protocol scheme which will last until 2012 (Kompas, 7/12/2009).
The meeting, involving heads of state, scientists, intellectuals, and environmentalists, at least be a strategic step for the creation of a new agreement within the framework of international cooperation to overcome the problem of global warming (global warming), the issue of climate change, deforestation, environmental pollution, and greenhouse effect. Global issues that color the modern humanitarian problems today, demanding all parties to work together in addressing climate change is happening all over the world.
Not surprisingly, when the Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change (UNFCCC), Yvo de Boer, the delegation stressed the importance of all countries to demonstrate the spirit of cooperation and compromise in order to produce a new agreement, which affects the safety of billions of people in the world. In short, the issue of global warming that became the main agenda in the talks should be a jump start to pressure and flow rate of rise of temperature of the weather. Thus, no impact on the food crisis, water, damage to ecosystems, extreme weather, and the threat of major disaster that will hit millions of people.
Threat of Extinction
At this point, the Living Planet Report 2006, from the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) says, that the planet's natural ecosystems are now degraded, because the nadir reached an alarming point. Degradation of tropical forests in Indonesia were already moving fast, so in conditions of collapse.
In fact, forests in Indonesia has a wealth of natural resources is remarkable, even we also have a varied biodiversity in all its beauty. Nothing wrong, if Indonesia is located in the middle of the equatorial emerald called the lungs of the world, which is a strategic place and potential of this natural wealth.
In fact, from the data I get, mentioned that the number of people who need land, water and air on earth to live in 1991 had amounted to 5.2 billion. Residents on the planet in 1998 amounted to 6.8 billion. In 2000 ballooned to 7 billion. If population growth is maintained as it is now, then according to Paul R Enhirch, 900 years from now (year 2900) there will be one biliun (eighteen zeros behind the 1) person on this planet, or 1700 people per square meter. If that number continued until in 2000 or 3000 years later, the mean number of people living on this planet already exceeded the weight of the earth itself.
Moreover, if the target of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 40 percent for rich countries (Annex I) in 2020 can not be done, then the result will accelerate the melting of ice at the poles. That is why, the Indonesian delegation took four important agenda, namely reducing emissions for deforestation and forest deregulation (REDD), marine issues, the acceleration of technology transfer for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and technology to anticipate climate change.
According to Philip Kris (2004), in Industrial Ecology, there are several reasons emerge global warming, climate change and the environment, so that the ESD Conference on the Environment held first time in Stockholm.
First, we can see in 1953, in Japan, there has been a terrible catastrophe that befell most of the fishermen and their families in the vicinity of Minamata Bay are the main food is fish. In these areas there have been outbreaks of neurological disease called Minamata. In patients experiencing progressive muscle weakness, loss of vision until the cause of death. Apparently after the research, in 1959, the disease caused by methylmercury, which is waste containing mercury from various chemical industries owned by Chisso Co..
Second, in 1963 the United States (U.S.) issued the Law of Environment (National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA) in response to environmental damage by human activity increased, partly by environmental contamination by pesticides and industrial waste and transportation.
Third, the depletion of the ozone layer (O3) as the impact of greenhouse gases and increasing the temperature of the earth's surface due to thickening of the lining of CO2. That would threaten the health and safety of mankind, since ozone becomes a shield from the sun's rays are strong.
Ecological Intelligence
The continued development of the issue of global warming that occurred in various parts of the world, making the developed countries that have a lot of carbon dioxide emissions need to agree to cut its emissions. That is why, we need ecological intelligence in support of economic growth and sustainable development, without damaging the natural ecosystem and that we love.
In Ecology of The Encylopedia of Religion (1995), A Hultkrant stated that ecological intelligence applied in the framework of local wisdom (local wisdom) ecologically minded. This gave birth to his wisdom with the natural human attitude that preceded the modern ecology movement after World War II. With this framework, human consciousness will give birth to ecological intelligence in saving the universe from the threat of global warming and climate change.
Facing the threat of global warming in mind, we need to maintain essential ecological processes as part of the forest ecosystem balance between levels of population and environmental carrying capacity, prepare enough resources in an effort to increase the benefits derived from natural resources (forests), and the provision of social environment, culture, and economy as appropriate.
Therefore, we must remain committed to maintain and preserve the natural richness (environment) from the threat of humanitarian catastrophe. Above all else, is our awareness and concern for nature needs to be improved and developed in a sustainable manner, so as to create a life free from the wrath of nature, and ultimately the planet we live it can be restored to normal.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Climate change the world: what and how?

In early February 2007 and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report on scientific explanations, observations and projected impacts of climate change the world. The report also describes the extent of human contribution to climate change that. The following article is intended to provide a brief description about the message of the report. To facilitate delivery, this paper presented in the form of questions and answers.

What is the meaning of climate?

Climate is the average and variation in temperature, evaporation, precipitation and wind over a certain period in the range in a matter of months until millions of years.

What is the difference between weather and climate?

Briefly climate can be regarded as the average of the weather. The difference, predicted weather for a period of more than a few days is very difficult because of its relatively high uncertainty. In contrast, estimates of climate change caused by changes in atmospheric composition or other factors, in general, the relative can be done.

What affects the earth's climate?

In the earth's climate is strongly influenced by the heat balance on earth. The flow of heat in the Earth's climate system works because of the radiation. The main source of radiation on Earth is the sun.

Can you explain how the mechanism of thermal equilibrium it?

Of all the solar radiation leading to the surface of the earth, a third reflected back into space by the atmosphere and the Earth's surface (see Figure 1). Reflection by the atmosphere due to clouds and particles called aerosols. The presence of snow, ice and desert plays a crucial role in reflecting back the sun's radiation that reaches the earth's surface.

Two-thirds of the radiation that is not reflected, the amount of about 240 Watt/m2, absorbed by the earth's surface and atmosphere. To maintain thermal equilibrium, the earth radiates back to the heat absorbed in the form of short-wave radiation. Some short-wave radiation emitted by Earth is absorbed by certain gases in the atmosphere are called greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the greenhouse gases radiate heat back to earth. This mechanism is called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is what causes the earth's temperature is relatively warm with an average of 14oC, without the greenhouse effect the earth's temperature is only about-19oC.

A small percentage of heat that is on earth, called latent heat, is used to evaporate water. This latent heat is released again when water vapor condenses in clouds (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: The thermal equilibrium in the Earth System

What is included in the group of greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases is the most dominant water vapor (H2O), followed by carbon dioxide (CO2). Another greenhouse gas is methane (CH4), dinitro-oxide (N2O), ozone (O3) and other gases in smaller quantities.

Is the so-called global warming?

Global warming is the increase in average temperature of the atmosphere near the surface of the earth and the sea over the past decade and projections for some time to come.

Is global warming really is happening?

Observations during the past 157 years show that Earth's surface temperature increased by 0.05 oC / decade. Over the last 25 years getting a sharp increase in temperature, amounting to 0.18 oC / decade (see Figure 2). Symptoms can also be seen from meingkatnya warming ocean temperatures, rising sea levels, melting ice and decreasing snow in the northern hemisphere.

Figure 2: Increase in average temperature of the earth for 157 years

How global warming could happen?

Global warming occurs due to the enhanced greenhouse effect which disebebakan by rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The higher the concentration of greenhouse gases, the more heat radiation from Earth is trapped in the atmosphere and radiated back to earth. This causes an increase in surface temperature of the earth. Increased temperatures due to climate could also increase the sun's radiation, but the effect is relatively very small.

What causes the increase in greenhouse gases?

Human activities is believed to be because of increased concentrations of greenhouse gases.

How does the human role in influencing the increased concentration of greenhouse gases?

Human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels and agricultural activities, resulting in emission of greenhouse gases are CO2, CH4, N2O and halokarbon (group florine gas containing chlorine and bromine). These gases are accumulating in the atmosphere that cause an increase in concentration over time. This increase is very noticeable in the industrial era as shown in the following figure.

Figure 3: Concentrations of some greenhouse gases during the last 2000 years.

How big is the human contribution to global warming when compared to natural factors other?

Warming or global cooling is influenced by natural factors and human factors. Which includes natural factors is the level of solar radiation and volcanic eruptions. Rise and fall of solar radiation affect the earth's temperature fluctuations. Meanwhile, volcanic eruptions penuruanan effect the earth's temperature for a few moments. Human activities also give effect to the rise and fall of temperature of the earth. However, if accumulated, then the whole of human activity on Earth's temperature increases far greater than the contribution of other factors. The contribution to global warming is termed radiative forcing. The greater radiative forcing greater contribution to global pemasan (see picture below).

Figure 4: Components of radiative forcing from human and natural (solar radiation).

Does the increase of water vapor in the atmosphere due to global warming will increase the greenhouse effect?

Yes. This is called positive feedback effect (positive feedback effect).

Is there another positive feedback effect?

There, the melting of ice and snow due to global warming. With the melting of ice and snow, land surface that were previously closed to open. Because the soil is darker than snow and ice, the more heat is absorbed by the earth's surface, which in turn increases the temperature of the earth.

Are extreme climate phenomena of late related to global warming?

Many statistics are menunujukkan so. The incidence of extreme climatic phenomena over the last century showed an increase. Among these extreme events include the long dry season in Australia (2003), the high temperatures during summer in Europe (2003), duration of hurricane season in North America (2004 and 2005), heavy rainfall in India (2005), etc. . In contrast, the number of extreme events such as extremely cold nights has decreased.

Could global warming is only caused by natural variation?

It is unlikely that global warming is only caused by natural variation. Climate models that only take into account natural variations (especially solar and volcanic activity) without considering the effect of greenhouse gases that failed to produce an output in accordance with reality / observations. The simulation results to be accurate after entering the effects of greenhouse gases into the model. This is as shown in the following figure.

Figure 5: Climate models with and without including human factors

Did the events of extreme climate will change along with climate change the world?

The answer, yes. Heat waves estimated to be more intensive, more frequent and last longer. In areas with four seasons, the number of days with temperatures lower than the freezing temperature will be minor. The summer will be drier and winters will become more humid. In addition, the intensity of tropical storms will be higher.

If greenhouse gas emissions be reduced, how quickly the concentration of gases in the atmosphere will be reduced?

The answer depends on the type of gas. Concentrations of some of the gas would immediately be reduced immediately by a reduction in emissions, but some of them even remain elevated for several centuries after such reduction (see figure below).

Figure 6: Penuruanan concentrations of greenhouse gases after the introduction of emission reduction (a) CO2, (b) of greenhouse gases by 120-year life cycle, and (c) of greenhouse gases by 12-year life cycle


as a world health organization, WHO see so much climate change impacts on human health. For that is why the WHO initiative to raise the theme that in order to commemorate the 60th HKS in 2008.

WHO Representative to Indonesia, Mr. Sharad Adhikary explains why it is so important a concern for these issues are highly threatened due to the impact of health and human survival on this earth.

Basically, the Earth is always experiencing climate change from time to time. Only in the past such changes naturally take place while the current climate change is caused by human activity that is more rapid and drastic.

In 2007 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / IPCC) and Al Gore awarded Nobel Peace Prize. The award was obtained for their efforts to develop and disseminate knowledge about climate change caused by human activities as well as about the fundamental efforts to follow up these changes are not natural.

The results confirm that the IPCC assessment of global climate change occurs because the earth's atmosphere full of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide and methane, generated by humans. Carbon dioxide caused by fossil fuel combustion processes in order to produce energy and also due to forest fires. While methane gas caused by waste disposal activities.

GHG has the ability to capture infrared rays of sunlight reflected by the earth. Therefore, the greater the amount of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere, the earth would be getting hot. Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached 385 parts per million in 2006, a remarkable improvement when compared with data on climate change during the last 650,000 years, said Mr. Sharad.

Over the last 13 years, twelve years of which was recorded as the warmest years. With the continued accumulation of greenhouse gases such as today, in the next two to three decades will exceed the increase in global warming calculations have been wherewith. IPCC estimates that by 2050 global temperatures will rise 2-3 degrees Celsius.

Increasing the temperature will have an impact on:
- Widespread melting Arctic ice cap
- Increasing the temperature of sea water, resulting in rising sea
- The dry season will be more dry and wet season will be more
- Increased rainfall and flooding conditions

Overall it will affect human health both in terms of the increasing growth of disease-carrying animals such as mosquitoes, are also threats to the availability of clean water, food crisis, and cleanliness of the environment. Finally, the overall effect is to threaten human life, said Mr. Sharad.

For that very important to really understand climate change. Mr, Sharad asserted that required the readiness of all countries in the deal, to be able to adapt, and accept that going to happen the worse the effect, which is not anticipated.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

global warming (article)

According to research Intergovermental Panel and Climate Change (IPCC), an international organization comprising more than 100 countries United Nations initiated in 2005 has been an increase in world temperature of about 0.6 to 0.7 degrees, while in Asia even higher, namely 10 degrees. This has resulted in melting of Gleser (Ice Mountain) in the Himalayas and the South Pole and reduced water availability in tropical regions as much as 20% to 30%. Gleser melting in the Himalayas and the South Pole itself directly impact on sea level rise as high as 4-6 meters. If this is allowed to continue then by 2012 the sea water will rise again around 7 meters. With so automatic ecosystems and livelihoods in coastal areas and islands will be threatened with extinction.

While changes in general perceived the world today is increasingly long summer and the shortening of the rainy season. This is of course very dangerous for the survival of the world at large.

Departure from these various fields of industrial concerns now would not want to think about this global warming handling steps. Starting from the reduction of gas emissions from industry and transport which has been blamed as one of the major contributors to global warming, to the creation of environmentally friendly technology for a variety of products ranging from transportation to various electronic equipment and environmentally friendly computers began to be made.

Information Technology industry, although not directly related to global warming as well as agriculture and environment, but should be able to bring the technology that supports the mitigation of global warming or global warming. This is because in various business fields that exist in today's world, information technology has become the backbone of the movement of existing industry. Starting from the machines in factories that use microcomputers to process computing in the office who also use computers. Indirectly the things mentioned above have shown that the field of IT has a lot of sucking the world's energy use at large,

sad to global warming

Sadly global warming causing iklim.human changes are hard to understand this ... .. even though they know the factors, measures should be done and its effects, but people still do not menyedari.apakah to do to stop doing things that will deplete the ozone? reduction in the use kloroflurokarbon (CFC). how? people should use sophisticated technology, such as creating no air-conditioning has been released CFC. what we should do to ensure that open burning of forests has occurred in the state Jakarta .mmm not say .... do not know ... can give your views on steps that can stop forest fires in the open, and that is a global awareness campaign pemasan impact on the battle is not responsible?

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